levels of architecture, #5,installation shot, - Copy


LEVELS OF ARCHITECTURE, #5 the video points to the spectacular beauty of light and movement that illuminates our walls from the outside and invites us to look closer. It is the idea of architecture as an enclosure that allows the outside to come in somewhat. LEVELS OF ARCHITECTURE, #5 the installation includes four recent drawings seen on the installation page that are displayed to the left of two small computers and a speaker beside them that all play the video. The installation is of the architecture of frames, drawings, trees, woods, computers, music, movies, interiors and exteriors. It is not that different from the wall in my house where drawings in progress are leaning and the computers are thrown for recharging on a table in front. These are the objects that I work with and at times find myself at odds with. These are simply things that end up scattered around the house, depicted or real; and my endeavors to see, hear, and experience more are embedded in them.

I am enjoying immensely working with music, video, and drawing and the different points of view each of them offer. The music is made on a well known and inexpensive synthesizer simulator and music editor and the video is done on an inexpensive editor and shot with my small mobile computer camera. The drawings as usual are on my very distressed paper with many layers of graphite and paint that are sanded to the point of destruction. The potential of endless layering in all these mediums is the most important thing for me.